• Disruptive technologies

    Are you prepared for a social media crisis?

    by  • March 13, 2012 • Disruptive technologies

    Wherever you turn, talking heads are espousing the value of social media. And companies have drank the cool-aid getting on first Facebook and then Twitter. Now “everyone is doing it.” Companies are jumping on the YouTube, Google+, and now Pinterest band wagon without really understanding what that means. The problem is that too many companies...

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    The next Altimeter report

    by  • February 7, 2012 • Disruptive technologies, eGovernment

    We started revving up the research engines here at the Altimeter Group last fall and now you will begin to see the results of that effort. First new piece of research out of the gate will be my colleague Chris Silva with his report titled Make An App For That: Strategies For Winning Retail Mobile Strategies....

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