• Social Media Risk

    The Next Step

    by  • September 11, 2013 • Social Media Risk

    In July, I chose to move on from my position at Altimeter Group to be able to focus on areas that I felt important – risk, technology, and the public sector. So I have set out on the next step in a long journey to create the boutique research and advisory firm that provides...

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    Social Media Crises Has Many Points of Failure

    by  • February 19, 2013 • Social Media Risk

    by Alan Webber, Jeremiah Owyang, Altimeter Analysts. Yesterday’s Burger King brandjacking was an important reminder to brands and their agency and software partners about how vulnerable social media accounts are.  These forms of attacks are increasing in frequency, such as Jeep’s recent twitter hack. Surprisingly, Altimeter Group’s research has found from analyzing 50 crises...

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    How To Manage 4 Common Social Conversation Issues

    by  • January 15, 2013 • Social Media Risk

    The great thing about social media is that it is social. You can connect and engage with friends, fans, acquaintances, and others around a myriad of topics or for no reason at all. The worst thing about social media is that it is social. Right or wrong, you can’t control the conversation, what people...

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    7 Social Media Risk Trends For 2013

    by  • January 4, 2013 • Social Media Risk

    With the growing entwinement of social media with our lives and our businesses, in 2012 we saw a number of social media crises hit, and there were many more that never hit the front page on CNN. Social media and other digital engagement and interaction channels will only continue to become more entrenched in...

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    3 Purposes Of A Social Media Policy

    by  • October 25, 2012 • Social Media Risk

    There is a storm brewing in social media. The number of issues arising from employee mistakes is growing. And the primary risk management tool around these issues is the social media policy. I have been doing some research on social media policies for an upcoming report I am doing and have been speaking to...

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    The Imperative For Social Media Risk Management

    by  • August 9, 2012 • Social Media Risk

    Everyone likes to point out how wonderful social media is – how they connected with lost friends from high school, they met new friends with similar interested, and all the cool things they learned. Marketers love it too because it gives them a great new channel to to connect and engage with customers in...

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