• Strategy

    The Three Vital Questions

    by  • February 19, 2013 • Research, Strategy

    One of the things that I have been faced with as an analyst and an advisor to leaders in businesses, government agencies, and non-profits is that they all have problems and the reason they engage with me is they need help to solve them. Whether it is a vendor who is trying to better...

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    Twitter and censorship

    by  • January 27, 2012 • Digital Governemnt, eGovernment, Strategy

    Almost 49 years ago, President John F. Kennedy stood at a podium in the divided city of Berlin where he proudly proclaimed that the wall that divided the city was an affront to basic human freedoms, that it was a symbol of the failure of communism and its ability to effective govern nations. Twenty-four...

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    The Customer Experience Vendor Landscape

    by  • September 20, 2011 • Customer Experience, Strategy

    Buyers, investors, and press are confused. When it comes to digital customer experience solutions, they can’t tell X from Y, and it’s only going to get worse. What they want is a single place to track all the vendors, and I’m going to take a stab, and get your help via submissions to keep...

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    Dealing With Disruption

    by  • May 3, 2011 • Disruptive technologies, Strategy

    In speaking to a few clients and non-clients recently about the impact of disruptive technologies, one thing has become clear – business models being disrupted by shifts in technology is the new normal. Whether you are part of manufacturing multi-national, a government agency, or a SMB in a developing country, your business model is...

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