• Customer Experience

    Got Hive?

    by  • November 18, 2011 • Customer Experience

    There are so many different ways for organizations to structure themselves – silos, dandelion, lines of business, industry orientation, hub and spoke, and others. But how does the structure of an organization affect the customer experience? That is one of the questions I am looking at and came across a fascinating article by Chiku...

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    Your Life Magnified In Apps

    by  • November 4, 2011 • Customer Experience

    When I think about it, apps are pretty cool. By apps, I mean mobile applications that are essentially software applications that are designed to run on smartphones and tablets like my iPhone 4 and my iPad. From a customer experience perspective they have changed the way we interact with content and are on the...

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    Three Aspects Of A Great Customer Experience

    by  • October 21, 2011 • Customer Experience

    What comprises a great customer experience – is it the interface, the person at the other end, the process? Is it simply a good customer service or is there more to it? It is hard to evaluate a good customer service because it is different for everyone. When it comes to evaluating a customer...

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    The Customer Experience Vendor Landscape

    by  • September 20, 2011 • Customer Experience, Strategy

    Buyers, investors, and press are confused. When it comes to digital customer experience solutions, they can’t tell X from Y, and it’s only going to get worse. What they want is a single place to track all the vendors, and I’m going to take a stab, and get your help via submissions to keep...

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