• The next Altimeter report

    by  • February 7, 2012 • Disruptive technologies, eGovernment

    We started revving up the research engines here at the Altimeter Group last fall and now you will begin to see the results of that effort. First new piece of research out of the gate will be my colleague Chris Silva with his report titled Make An App For That: Strategies For Winning Retail Mobile Strategies. It is a great report that looks at how consumers are using mobile applications to enhance their shopping experience. It covers a number of differente strategies and ideas around how retailers are using mobile to better connect with their customers. Specifically, the report explains how:

    • Almost 50% of mobile consumers had a smartphone and that shopping is a top activity for smartphone owners.
    • Most retailers have had mixed success targeting these users.
    • Successful mobile efforts by brands like Best Buy, Starbucks and Zappos has dramatically affected their bottom-line.

    Chris’ report also contains a maturity scoring tool that retailers can use to assess their current level of maturity and specific pragmatic steps to improve their mobile strategy.

    Chris will be presenting a Webinar on the report and you can register for it here. Chris explains more about his report on the Altimeter Blog.

    Congratulations to Chris!!!!
