• Trends

    Big Data Is A Big Privacy Problem

    by  • February 13, 2013 • Privacy, Trends

    Everyday more and more information about you is uploaded into numerous databases. While you sleep, eat, work, buy things, sell things, go to the bank, commute – essentially during everything you do there is data about you being created, uploaded, processed, analyzed, and used. This is such an important subject that it was a...

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    Enterprise social networks (An Altimeter Report)

    by  • February 22, 2012 • Altimeter, Digital Governemnt, eGovernment, Nonprofit, Trends

    Moving social technologies from being totally outward focused towards customers and constituents to inward focused has the potential to provide amazing levels of value for governmental, non-profit, and regulated organizations. Altimeter’s latest report is on Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) from our own Charlene Li looks at how ESN’s can drive value inside the organization....

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    Will Starbucks Be Your Next Bookstore?

    by  • August 5, 2011 • Disruptive technologies, Research, Trends

    There are a number of reasons why companies fail and close like fraud, lawsuits, shifting markets, changes in government regulations, and many others. One of the key reasons, though it isn’t always identified as such, is the inability to spot, think through, and prepare for technology disruptions. Last week as I browsed through the...

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    Balancing Life And Technology

    by  • March 2, 2011 • Life, Trends

    The coffee shop near my house has always done a very good job balancing the needs of customers between those who want to come in and enjoy a conversation with a friend to those who want to come in an work on their laptops.  During the week they limit the number of tables that...

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