• Research

    The Three Vital Questions

    by  • February 19, 2013 • Research, Strategy

    One of the things that I have been faced with as an analyst and an advisor to leaders in businesses, government agencies, and non-profits is that they all have problems and the reason they engage with me is they need help to solve them. Whether it is a vendor who is trying to better...

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    Will Starbucks Be Your Next Bookstore?

    by  • August 5, 2011 • Disruptive technologies, Research, Trends

    There are a number of reasons why companies fail and close like fraud, lawsuits, shifting markets, changes in government regulations, and many others. One of the key reasons, though it isn’t always identified as such, is the inability to spot, think through, and prepare for technology disruptions. Last week as I browsed through the...

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