• Digital Governemnt

    Enterprise social networks (An Altimeter Report)

    by  • February 22, 2012 • Altimeter, Digital Governemnt, eGovernment, Nonprofit, Trends

    Moving social technologies from being totally outward focused towards customers and constituents to inward focused has the potential to provide amazing levels of value for governmental, non-profit, and regulated organizations. Altimeter’s latest report is on Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) from our own Charlene Li looks at how ESN’s can drive value inside the organization....

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    Twitter and censorship

    by  • January 27, 2012 • Digital Governemnt, eGovernment, Strategy

    Almost 49 years ago, President John F. Kennedy stood at a podium in the divided city of Berlin where he proudly proclaimed that the wall that divided the city was an affront to basic human freedoms, that it was a symbol of the failure of communism and its ability to effective govern nations. Twenty-four...

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