• The Next Step

    by  • September 11, 2013 • Social Media Risk

    In July, I chose to move on from my position at Altimeter Group to be able to focus on areas that I felt important – risk, technology, and the public sector. So I have set out on the next step in a long journey to create the boutique research and advisory firm that provides insight, guidance, and perspective to decision makers on risk, technology, and the public sector. My new firm, Asymmetric Strategies Group, LLC, will be focused on providing pragmatic and focused research and advisory services on these topics along with others.  I will be rerouting the traffic from this site to my new site shortly.

    From the company’s humble beginnings, my time with Altimeter Group was an exceptional journey with many friends, colleagues, and customers. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all of the amazing people and companies who I have worked with over the last four years, and that have made possible this great journey we are on together.

    There are a number of new adventures that lay before me as a researcher, an analyst, an advisor, and simply as a one in the world. Rest assured that many of us will cross paths again, and I hope that you will join me and share in these new adventures together. Thank you.
