• eGovernment

    Is The End Of Gov 2.0 Near?

    by  • February 10, 2010 • eGovernment

    Armageddon is upon us, and it isn’t even 2012 yet. Based upon his observations from the tweet stream and the blogosphere coming out of the Gov 2.0 Camp LA, Andrea DiMaio has posted on his Gartner blog that he feels we are at the peak of the hype for Gov 2.0 and that things...

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    Impressions From L.A.

    by  • February 10, 2010 • eGovernment

    I had the good fortune to attend and present at the Gov 2.0 Camp in LA this last weekend put on by Alan Silberberg (@You2Gov) and Lovisa WIlliams (@Lovisatalk). Kudos to both Alan and Lovisa for the great event that they put together. It was an impressive gathering of people and ideas – both...

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    Nine Technology Trends For Government in 2010

    by  • February 2, 2010 • eGovernment

    Like every other amateur prognosticator, I wish I had a crystal ball to tell what is coming tomorrow. But I don’t. The nearest I can give are the nine trends that I expect to see when it comes to government and technology that may give indications about the future. Those trends include: Shared Services...

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    Is The President Serious About Engaging Citizens Digitally?

    by  • January 19, 2010 • eGovernment

    Yesterday, President Obama was the first president in history to send a tweet, sent via the @RedCross account during a visit to the Red Cross’s Washington DC headquarters. There were tweets from the @BarackObama account during the campaign, but these were from campaign staffers. This was the first time the President, our most technologically...

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    Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Government, Oh My!

    by  • August 28, 2009 • eGovernment

    Let’s be honest – technology is changing fast. I think tying your agency to a particular social media technology or platform, whether it be Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or another technology is a mistake. The technology platforms that are here today may significantly change or not be here at all tomorrow. Instead, agencies should focus...

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    Being Overly Optomistic About Government And Web 2.0

    by  • August 24, 2009 • eGovernment

    Today’s Wall Street Journal carried a good article about the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by the Federal government titled Federal Government Mulls Web 2.0. It was, for the most part, a positive article about the Federal government’s efforts to implement social media technologies. In the article, Aneesh Chopra the new Federal CTO, does...

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