• eGovernment

    How Do You Define Your Target Audience?

    by  • March 24, 2009 • eGovernment, Personas

    Like your High School speech teacher told you, before you decide what kind of speech you are going to give, define who your audience will be. The same advice applies to social media channels. How do you define your primary audience and target your message? Buy using personas.

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    Who Are You Talking To?

    by  • March 22, 2009 • eGovernment, Personas

    Government is jumping into the social media muck with both feet, which I would argue on the surface is a good thing.  It is fun to watch government employees taking to Twitter, Facebook, and other channels while government agencies are setting up blogs, making videos, and distributing podcasts. For once, government isn’t far behind...

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    What Is The Future Of eGovernment?

    by  • March 19, 2009 • eGovernment

    Three years ago I spoke at a Forrester conference on what I saw as the future of eGovernment, something I called iGovernment (the slide deck from that presentation is publicly available on Adobe’s Web site). Given the promises and spoken intents of the current administration, I think it is important to revitalize this idea...

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    How Is Government Doing With Web 2.0?

    by  • March 19, 2009 • eGovernment

    How well do you think government is doing when it comes to using and implementing Web 2.0 technologies? To find out I spent a morning a couple of weeks ago speaking at an event sponsored by Adobe on Enabling Transparency And Citizen Centric Services featuring presentations and discussions by representatives from GSA, TSA, and...

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