• Welcome To The Ronin Research Group Blog

    by  • March 18, 2009 • Admin

    Every blog must have a first post – and this is it for the Ronin Research Group blog. Welcome! I am excited to be starting this process and interacting with you!

    What will the Ronin Research Group blog cover? It will be a professional and objective look into the intersection of the government Web world, government and broader social culture, social media, citizen engagement, and the vendors and technologies that underpin it. My expectation is that the result will be a candid and honest conversation and assessment about what can or does work, what others have tried, and what is of value in the new world of Government 2.0. The discussion could, and should, range from the strategic to the tactical, but will focus on three macro trends:

    • The changing nature of government-to-citizen digital engagement
    • Shifts in technology and how they can help government engage with citizens and business
    • What strategies to employ to pull it all together

    The focus of all of this will be the end user – the citizen or the business that government is interacting with..

    I was a former analyst at Forrester and I am sure that I will pull from experiences there that covered the digital properties, social media, eGovernment, and the broader Web world, but I am also expecting that this will be a two way street – that I can learn and interact here in ways that will benefit my work and clients. I am also smart enough to know that I there is a lot to know about digitally enabled government and technologies, that I only know some of it, and that this interaction and conversation is an opportunity for me to learn.

    I encourage you to join the coversation.

